Happy Mother’s Day. Here are some policies you can support or oppose to actually show mothers that you give a damn. (1/)
Support pre-natal care. Our mothers are dying because our health care policy sucks. (2/)
Oppose organizations that shame women and teens who get pregnant. People have sex, pregnancy can happen. Get over it and help them, instead of Slut-shaming them. (3/)
Support massive increases in funding for child care. I don’t want to hear one more thing about the worker shortage. Knock it off, and help your workers with their families. (4/)
Increase funding for endometrial cancer. If ya’ll think that the uterus is your business, as your voting records seem to indicate, then make sure it doesn’t kill people. (5/)
Support increased funding for birth control coverage. If you can’t, it more accurately, won’t help mothers, then help us with this aspect of health care. (6/)
Support education funding across the board, pre-Higher Ed. Trust me, mothers stress about this at every level. Stop being cheap with our kids. (7/)
Support elder care, and home health assistance for our seniors. Many are mothers. And most of our seniors are being cared for by mothers. (8/)
And, stop touching pregnant women’s stomachs, or making comments on their appearance. Seriously, who even does that?! (9/)
Support better mental health care, especially for our teens. We need help; mothers are not professional therapists. (10/)
Anyway. This is a start. Brunch and flowers for a day is easy; these things are hard. But, do them anyway, because Moms need help. (Fin/)
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