so rather than posting the usual mother's day pics, i wanted to share a few of my fav pieces of wisdom i received from my mom:

1) only a fool pays retail. you can always get something at a discount, or find it at a cheaper price. this is more true the more expensive the item is
2) no matter where you are in life, something that is always available to you and will always serve you is having good manners. saying please and thank you, truly listening to people, being on time and following up, etc. we underestimate how rare and appreciated those things are
3) find the silhouette that you feel/look your best in and lean into it. don't follow the trends of what everyone (ie, teens and early 20-somethings) are wearing. stick with the looks and cuts that are right for *your* body and life, and you'll always look confident & stylish
4) never buy furniture made out of MDF/particle board. for less than a new piece of knock-down furniture, you can get something made of materials that will last for decades from thrift shops, garage sales, FB marketplace. etc. plus it always looks much more chic

5) be the person who remembers birthdays, who sends flowers, who reaches out, who makes people feel special. it doesn't matter if it isn't always reciprocated exactly. it's the right thing to do, and over time, it will attract a life of abundance, love, and appreciation
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