Story of Last Ottoman guardian of Al-Aqsa [Thread]
[This is the spirit Palestine need]
Palestine, remained under the Ottoman rule for four centuries until the British took control. After heavy fighting on 9th Dec 1917, Ottman Governor released the decree 1/10
“Due to the severity of the siege of the city and the suffering that this peaceful country has endured from your heavy guns; and for fear that these deadly bombs will hit the holy places, we are forced to hand over to you the city.”
Signed Izzat the Mutasarrif of Jerusalem 2/10
In defense of Al-Aqsa as per different estimates, 25,000 ottoman soldiers laid theirs lives defending Al-Aqsa. On the 11th of December 1917, British General Edmund Allenby entered Jerusalem.
Late historian Ilhan Bardakci on Friday, May 21st, 1972. went to Al-Aqsa Mosque. 3/10
There he saw a man Who is this man?” I asked my guide. He shrugged his shoulders and replied “I don’t know… must be someone crazy. He has always been standing here, he never asks for anything from anyone.” 4/10
I don’t know why, but I approached him and said in Turkish “Selamu Aleykum baba (father).” His eyes opened brightly and in Turkish replied “Aleykum Selam oğul (son)!”
I was shocked. I grabbed and kissed his hands…” Who are you, father?” I asked. He explained… 5/10
“I am Corporal Hasan from the 20th corp, 36th Battalion, 8th Squadron heavy machine gun team which was deployed at the Al-Aqsa mosque the day we lost Quds…”
Dear Lord… I looked once more; his head, like a minaret balcony upon his tense shoulders, a kissable flag. 6/10
I reached for his hands once more and he began to utter:
“Can I ask a favour from you, my son? I have a trust which I have kept hidden for years, will you deliver this trust for me?”
“Certainly, what is it?” I said. 7/10
“When you return to the country, if you ever reach Tokat Sanjak, go and find my commander who deployed me here, Captain Musa. Kiss his hands for me and tell him…Corporal Hasan from Iğdır Province of the 11th Machine gun team still remains at the post you deployed him to.” 8/10
My heart was about to stop!
He refused to carry out orders to withdraw from Jerusalem and return to Turkey "because Jerusalem is above orders". When he was asked why he did not leave his position of guarding the holy place, why he didn't come back to Turkey? 9/10
He told them, "He was afraid that the Rasul'Allahﷺ💚, would be saddened by him leaving his post."
Even 65 years after the surrender Corporal Hassan al-Igdarli (93) the last Ottoman soldier defending Al-Aqsa & left to meet Rasul'Allahﷺ💚 in 1982. Never went back to Turkey 10/10
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