how parents will send pictures of their daughters who are clearly not ready for marriage, without their consent, to potential rishtas. how they’ll dress them up and make their daughters forcibly showcase a fake exterior to be deemed acceptable for marriage. (1)
how they’ll evaluate their daughter from the eyes of a stranger, before and after a rishta. “tone down the concealer” “straighten your hair” “make sure you don’t talk too loud” “why didn’t you talk at all?” but won’t ask her how she feels about it all. (2)
and maybe they ask, but they just pretend like they’re listening. don’t worry, we’re not going to do anything against your will. but please just meet this one family. meet that guy coming all the way from there. just say hi, they brought you gifts. what’s the big deal? (3)
it’s not like you’re getting married off right now. you’re so ungrateful. so many people want you. why don’t you want anyone? are you lesbian? what’s wrong with you? you should be thankful they’re even asking for you. you’re over 20. you’ll regret this. no one will want you. (4)
fine, we won’t do it again. but when you’re all alone in the future and you want a husband you’ll think of us. my parents were right. oh, is that not something you want to hear? why, because it’s true? not because it’s manipulative or emotional blackmail. because it’s true. (5)
you’re acting like we’re torturing you. you’re not a burden, we wouldn’t have done so much for you if we thought you were a burden. we’re just worried. we want you to be happy. this one’s different, he may be the one. just meet them. they came all the way for you.

and repeat.
people quoting this thread with “thank god my parents don’t do this” or “this doesn’t happen” HOLY FUCK SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!
most have it much worse. there’s cases of coercion and forced marriages happening every single day. women are physically abused into saying yes, threatened, refused education.

and there’s this. the nitty bits of passive aggressive manipulation. coated as care.. but so cruel.
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