@nsitharaman . Unsurprising that @nistharaman finds time to give a 15 point petulant rebuttal to what is essentially constructive feedback by @mamataofficial. Addressing every point raised by you. Let's get to work. https://twitter.com/nsitharaman/status/1391344568465952770
2 - Please add all vaccines to this list.
3 - Why does everything have to go through
. Why only IGST. Why can't citizens and hospitals buy even domestic goods without GST.
4 - Duties have been waived. But our people still pay CGST and SGST on these goods. These should be waived.
5 - Same as 4. Only duties and IGST waived. Common man has a huge GST burden at this difficult time.
6 - Same as 4 and 5. Citizens are paying CGST and SGST on the final product.
7 - It is not a question of "free of cost". While many avail free services...many pay from their pockets as well. We need to help them as well.
8 - If we could do this - why not completely remove GST on the whole chain. Let people / clinics / hospitals get it cheaper.
9 - Exactly. Imported item - no GST but domestic item - Government wants to charge. We need to stop this during the pandemic. We cannot profit from citizens pain.
10 - I agree on paper even though Centre doesn't have a good track record on giving states its dues. But as you can see - the suggestion was not made where only GoI has to shoulder the pain. Our state will bear 70.50% of the cost.
11 - If you prefer to give 0% instead of exemption - we can support that also. We need to help everyone in the maximum possible way at this time.
12 - Government paying GST to itself is a disappointing argument. We need to make this 0% / exempt on vaccines also.
13 - I agree with you. So if we're willing to 70.50% of the way - can't the centre manage 29.50% of the burden?
14 - How is 5% GST in the interest of the citizens? Please make the entire COVID vaccine chain customs / GST / tax free. We need to vaccinate everyone ASAP.
15 - Please make whole chain of vaccine production / import GST free alternatively make it 0% if exemption is not an alternative.
16 - Already replied in 15 above. Make the whole chain of vaccine production / vaccine import - customs / IGST / CGST / SGST free. 0% or exempt at the end is fine as well. Vaccinate everyone immediately.
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