Why do women stay in toxic relationships???

Contrary to the popular rhetoric that women stay in such relationships out of fear, the truth is they don't really want to leave..
Why wouldn't they want to leave such a relationship?

•emotional rollercoaster - the highs & lows she craves that - women want to feel everything - happiness, anger, sadness, confusion

She is an emotional being, she craves emotionally charged experiences
•excitement - women are boring, even they know it themselves - now a toxic relationship offers excitement - she never knows what to expect next

A woman will appreciate more a man who is toxic because he's exciting than a man who is safe because that's boring
•chaos - at her true core a woman is chaos - meaning she craves that violence, screaming & all that. This is exactly what a toxic relationships offers, violent outbursts, screaming & shouting

Contrary what they have you believe, women don't really want stability, it's boring
•drama - women live much of their life in fantasy, she wants to feel like the characters she sees on tv or reads in novels. Watch what women consume most - toxic reality shows e.g Love & Hip Hop

Modern women have shaped their characters off pop culture celebrities
•danger - women are innately hard wired to crave danger - nothing makes her more wet than a dangerous man even at the cost of her life.

You'd be surprised that serial killers in jail receive more love letters from women than soldiers abroad fighting wars for their countries
•taming him - due to her nurturing ability, she believes she can change him. She wants to be his kryptonite - what could beat such a fantasy of being a Betty Rose to The Hulk

A woman will love more a damaged man than a normal one because she craves a sense of achievement.
In psychological terms this is termed The Stockholm Syndrome.

Like it or not, a woman is always going to choose a man "mistreats" her over a man who worships her.

There's just something about a toxic man, she just can't resist.
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