đź“ś THREAD: I tweet so much lately about petty grievances and annoyances that one likely would and probably should take the pattern to be furthermore reflective of petty character were it not for me conscientiously doing so out of hope that fans and followers better understand me.
Of course, I do so in conjunction with the many tweet threads regarding myriad other topics that are important to me, while also tweeting the occasional nihilistic tweet for the minority of my followers with whom I share an appreciation for irony and dark humor. At times, I blog.
But Twitter has been the medium through which I choose to communicate most my ideas simply because it has been the platform on which sex workers have depended in order to forge their own path in the sex industry independent of the studios that employ them in the age of Big Tech.
Studios, too, have greatly benefited from the sexually progressive policies of Twitter; indeed, the entire sex industry is now largely shaped by the ongoings and events of the Twitter-sphere, similarly to national politics, but this has become increasingly contentious over time.
Regardless, Twitter predominantly remains for now the platform by which most individuals expand their internet presence and build their brand, whether as person or product, and this distinction is grimly becoming virtually null the longer Big Tech and capitalism remain married.
And if this is true enough for the average individual, the prospect for the sex worker—the industry and societies of whom already scarcely distinguish between person and product—is even more grim. But this particular Twitter thread is not some desperate plea to be humanized.
Apropos my incessant tweeting lately in order to be better understood by my fans and followers, the function of this thread follows suit as one of pure expression but one in which I shall spare no quarter of emotion by way of criticism directed at fan and foe alike.
As I previously remarked at the height of the George Floyd Rebellions last year, I would not twice think back at having eroded my entire fanbase down to zero should I feel the moral imperative to do such a thing in the face of this insufferably superficial and selfish society.
Capitalism continues running amok; wealth inequality reaches unfathomable levels; politicians are powerless to stop pandemics; racial terrorism is steadily increasing; police are more emboldened than ever in their brutalization of BIPOC Americans; meanwhile…
We have run out of time to preemptively act in any meaningful way to effectively combat the effects of climate change. That which was once simply too inconvenient of a truth for the world is soon to become much more than just an inconvenient reality. And, yet…
I seem to live amongst a populace so pathetically pacified by toxic positivity and propaganda that to point any of this out stands only to lose me several dozen followers or more per day, the better of which might earn me slight praise in the form of a podcast recommendation.
To which my response is often: why? And by the way, so as to not be construed as ungrateful, I do appreciate the sentiment, but also understand I am of the opinion that appreciating or doing something simply because it gratifies the ego is not appreciation at all, it is vanity.
I can think of no other reason I would do a podcast. It certainly would not be because I expect people to listen. I have in fact considered that for auditory learners and others a podcast might be preferable to reading scattered Twitter threads, certainly.
Unfortunately, this one pro on behalf of auditory learners does not outweigh the cons of me being responsible for managing a podcast, plus it misses the point of why I prefer writing in the first place. Above all other reasons, writing is a therapeutic form of expression for me.
It is the best way in which I facilitate critical thinking and introspection, all while simultaneously challenging my vocabulary and syntactical creativity, not to mention it is often my way of coping with the bullshit of all you people. I foresee a podcast doing me no favors.
Not even within this egomaniacal culture cultivated by capitalism and social media in which we presently exist do I feel the need nor desire to painstakingly expand my ego in forty different directions using every tech platform ever invented. That to me sounds fucking awful.
For now, I will be sticking with Twitter to express myself, and occasionally my blog when my commitment to it has not lapsed. Those who have shown an appreciation for this while I otherwise take some time to focus on things other than porn have my gratitude. I will not be long.
The rest of you would do well to realize that before there was a “Sean Zevran”, of whom for whatever reason people became a fan, there was and remains a “Josiah Jennings”, to whom Josiah Jennings is first and foremost committed, as well as to the soul and ethics thereof. TBC…
You can follow @SeanZevran.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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