because i won’t rest until every filthy zionist in this fandom is out; i will repost the thread i made to expose @abracadami’s zionist & extremely racist ass. please, if you agree or share the same mentality as this... person, hard block me. block me if ur a bystander too.
so here we have:
1- denying of genocide of Palestinians, as if history doesn’t exist
2- “israel is the safest country for muslims” say that to the mulsim who try to pray in Al-Aqsa but get shot and kicked out every time, tell that to Sheikh Al Jarrah citizens who are getting—
—kicked out of their OWN houses
3- gaslighting ppl into thinking anti-zionism = anti semitism? classic! 😂😂😂

(dreamofyooh/ethereyubin were their older usernames before constantly changing them everytime someone calls them out of their zionism, which she calls “harassment”.)
apparently Arabs and Muslims r “living and thriving” in israel yall!😭 i lived in my own country and i couldnt know peace bc of israel’s attacks.

“anti zionism is a form of anti semitism” no, ur just silencing us & Palestinians

abracadami: *Inserts zionist data* YOU are biased!
forgot to add this.
abracadami: no one is seeking harm to Palestinians idk what ur talking abt
: *shows a video of Palestinians getting robbed of their homes*
abracadami: ok but this is old tho😒

as for the other pictures attached, i have no words, im speechless & disgusted.
“Palestinians have a long history of terrorist attack and suicide bombings” but israelis are just trying to “survive” and “defend themselves” right? fuck you.
LOL I honestly dont even know what to say like I’m exhausted. sending people zionist sources, feeding them with zionist and israeli propaganda, and calls every other arab-Palestinian source “biased”.... how hilarious honestly.
“Palestinian is attacking israel”

what did this poor innocent autistic man ever do to israel for him to get shot and killed?

what did those kids playing on the beach ever do?
safest country for muslims and arabs my fucking ass.
“Palestinian terrorists r instigating the violence” like the Palestinians who were attacked INSIDE THEIR HOMES & r being forced out by zionists bc they want to take over? that kind of violence?

“th CHILD who provoked soldiers by hitting them n spitting on them” damn how terrible
theres a shit ton more horrible shit she said, i wanna point out the non stopping victim playin, guilt tripping people who unfollowed her & calling them “fake friends” as if this is just some twitter beef, then lying abt me “harassing” her and sending her ppl when i Never did so
everyone who dmed them and sent them ccs were curious people who didnt buy her zionist shit. But everyone who “disagrees” with you is a harasser apparently, everyone who criticized you and ur propaganda is some type of hater. you’re sick in the head
all of the dms i have attached in this thread were taken and sent to me by @singjification and that was before we became mutuals, they dmed bayli about me being a “harasser” and bayli started lying but nic thankfully didnt buy it and decided to dm me.
and dont come at me with the “out of context shit” because i posted everything i have, and nic already posted a screen recording of the entire conversation from beginning to end.
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