A little thread about my cartoon for @churchtimes, "Net zero', which hasn't gone down well in some circles. https://www.churchtimes.co.uk/articles/2021/7-may/regulars/cartoons/dave-walker I'm expecting some flak, but I'd be glad to hear what you think. (1)
Their argument is that the original motion didn't include the Church Commissioners investments, and if you look at this dull-but-necessary pdf document ( https://www.churchofengland.org/sites/default/files/2020-01/GS%202159%20Climate%20Emergency%20and%20Carbon%20Reduction%20Target.pdf) - no it didn't. It gave the Commissioners 5 extra years to comply, as the original plan was 2045. (4)
[Stick with me] But at Synod, a far more ambitious target of 2030 was agreed upon, not 2045. And the motion itself does say "all parts of the Church... including ... National Church Institutions". The press release makes no mention of any exemption for the Commissioners. (5)
All this is leaving aside the Commissioners' strategy of continuing to invest in and (they say) engaging with polluting corporations, rather than divesting and putting their investments into clean alternatives. (6)
But my main reason for drawing the cartoon: my reading of the science tells me 2050 is just too late. We need to act far more quickly to avoid catastrophe. And I don't get that sense of urgency from the Church Commissioners. Anyway, would be glad to hear your views. (7)
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