I touched upon this before, but where did the attitude of early to mid 2000s of just enjoying fiction for what it is without the unnecessary moral battles of what is okay and isn't okay to do in made-up stories go?

#ENVtuber #VTuber
It feels like kids and young adults in their 20s that were brought up on the Internet somehow got infected with a self-perpetuating virus that makes them feel they are solving real world issues by forcing changes upon fiction they find "problematic".
Humans create fictitious stories in order to explore wondrous possibilities and impossibilities divorced from reality and to explore themes that would normally not be safe to dwell into in the real world.
Fiction allows everyone to challenge various perceptions, preconceived notions, opinions, ideologies, and creeds. It is meant to be used as both a tool for learning and for entertainment, which would not normally exist in our realm.
It's completely normal to find certain types of fiction distasteful, but saying it causes wider societal problems is not a statement to be made so casually without any kind of logically backed-up evidence.
Smearing and demonizing whole groups of people for consuming any type of fiction should be discouraged and knowledge about what it really is and what it really means to people should be fostered. Do not shut down discussion based on personal feelings of disgust.
Next time you decide to call someone names just because of what they consume in terms of fictional material offends you, take a step back and maybe be ask them questions about what their real feelings are about it.
Talk to people willing to have reasonable discourse. You never know what you will learn and if it will change your perspective on contentious issues.
You can follow @VTuberCringe.
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