The online coverage is similarly selective. Nick Parker and Mike Ridley, you should be disgusted with yourselves.
Her name was Harue. She was murdered by John Kay. He drowned her in the bath.
Seeing male journalists falling over themselves to say what a great guy he was and what a great mentor. I see you. We see you.
Two women a week, just like Harue, are murdered by a partner or ex partner, just like John Kay, in the UK alone. No career outweighs the murder of a woman to the point of simply excluding it from an obituary. Were the women who worked with him made aware of his past?
Celebrate his life all you like, if you can live with yourself, but if you whitewash such a crime from coverage of that life then you are contributing to the culture in which women continue to die at the hands of men. Own that.
And also own this: you left it out of the coverage of his life because to include it would outweigh every single career achievement. It would make the celebratory double page spread look disgusting (which it does to those of us who already knew).
If there is one woman whose career at The Sun was threatened if she pursued the murder, there will be more.
I hope more of those women feel able to come forward.
Adding this to the thread, welcome news
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