Sorry I'm in a ranty mood and I would like to just expand on this whole childbirth thing.

The attitude against c sections, especially elective c sections, is purvasive and harmful. When I was pregnant, "natural childbirth" was pushed on me like a cult.
I was told, over and over again, that to truly experience the "special, female only miracle" (all bullshit) of childbirth I would ideally have to have it be all natural with no modern medical intervention, including painkillers, at all.
I have known women who feel traumatised by their childbirth experience because they wanted it to be natural and they had to have a c section because of a medical emergency and they genuinely feel as if a woman's unique rite of passage was stolen from them. Like...
The romanticism of childbirth actively kills women. It certainly inflicts more pain than is necessary with the anti painkillers bullshit.
And I bought into this completely. I wanted a natural birth. And thank god for my sister, because the single best piece of advice I received when I was pregnant was from her.
She said: be prepared to accept your childbirth won't go the way you're wanting and expecting. She had to have an emergency c section, all her divine miraculous angels singing ideas thrown out of the window as they cut her open to literally save both her and my niece's life.
You end up with your own child. That's a miracle enough. It actually doesn't matter at all how you got there.

And like, yes. Whether you have a natural painkiller free childbirth or you adopt, if you want kids, having a kid is miracle enough no matter how you got there.
And not having kids is also fucking valid and genuinely a good decision, more people should make it, kids aren't your rite of passage or a badge of honour, they're entire human beings.
"Natural childbirth is so beautiful c sections are so clinical the way you can schedule them"

I didn't have a natural, painkiller free childbirth. I had an emergency c section. Twice. And for that, I and my children are all alive when we would be dead. So...
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