There are combined HRT patches with oestrogen and progestogen- can either take continuously or alternate the 2 and have a bleed/period. Oral progestogen is available in several forms including utrogeston, micronised, mirena coil, medroxyorogesterone.
It sad to read women are not listened to-I hear this from my patients. But also it is not necessary to get expensive private HRT. I see women given 3 expensive private prescriptions and not told what they could ask GP for with NHS prescription price.
We did this a a quick guide for those who can’t take oestrogen. Also vaginal oestrogen (vagifem) safe after breast cancer for vaginal dryness and lubricants can help too.
And don’t forget bone health. @RoyalOsteoSoc have great resources. Weight bearing exercise, good calcium in diet ( do not need supplements) get vitamin D or take over winter months. buy wherever is in special offer -Superdrug, boots.
Here is a link for exercising for those with osteoporosis to protect spine but we should all be doing weight bearing exercises and good diet. From teenage years to older. Bone health starts in adolescence.
About HRT patches- good reminder to say estradot smaller so some prefer this. Can out where not seen, usually I suggest upper thighs, by hips. Can go under swimming cossies too there.
You can follow @hormone_doc.
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