This is so accurate and it’s such an unfortunate reality. My dad’s side of the family is religious, and most of them have the expectation that the women in the family will marry and have kids. As far as I know, there isn’t anyone LGBTQIA+ on my dad’s side of the family.(1/8)
While I was in the state of figuring out my identity, I told my dad that I wasn’t straight, and it was obvious that he wasn’t happy about that. He wasn’t angry at all. He just came across as dismayed / disappointed. He accepts that I’m ace, but we don’t really talk about (2/8)
anything LGBTQIA+. Due to that experience though, I haven’t officially come out to anyone on his side of the family. Some of them have found my insta and whether or not they understand, the info about my identity is there for them to see. (3/8)
A long while ago, I got tired of trying to hide myself. It’s too exhausting and life is already exhausting enough. So, I have a “if you know you know” and “if you find out you find out” type of approach when it comes to my family learning of my identity. (4/8)
My mom, on the other hand, is super supportive of me being LGBTQIA+. She knows the asexual flag and is genuinely happy for me when I get asexual themed stuff at cons and from Etsy. If she sees any LGBTQIA+ pride stuff that she thinks I might like, she’ll get it for me.(5/8)
She’s always been an ally of the community and she has LGBTQIA+ friends. Unlike with my dad, I feel comfortable talking about LGBTQIA+ stuff with my mom. Her side of the family is very open minded. One of my cousins on her side of the family is also LGBTQIA+.(6/8)
Both of my parents are Black. I’m fortunate that both of my parents love me unconditionally and I’m fortunate I have a mom who is supportive of me being LGBTQIA+. However, as I touched on in this thread, there’s a difference between my mom’s response and my dad’s response(7/8)
to me coming out halfway. And what’s more is that there are Black aces who don’t even have one parent who supports them. Coming out as ace can be a painful experience for Black people. (8/8)
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