How emotional intelligence can be your greatest asset in any conversation.

Emotional intelligence is simple:

It is recognizing, understanding and managing / influencing your emotions and the ones of others.

Just because it's simple, it doesn't mean it's easy.

Let's dive in 👇

The better you become at recognizing your emotions, the easier it will be for you to stay cool and confident.

It will also allow you to think and make better decisions.

If you recognize the emotions of other people, you can build a much deeper connection.

A deeper connection makes conversations go much smoother.

When you understand your emotions, you can easily know what is the reason behind them.

If something is bothering you, you'll be able to discuss it in a civilized manner and make things more comfortable for everybody.

When speaking, you'll know what words cause a reaction in your audience and why people are feeling a certain way in a certain situation.

Use this to:

• Deal with complicated people
• Help people overcome obstacles
• Keep people hooked on your stories

If you are able to control how you react to emotion, you'll be in a position of power.

This is especially useful in tense conversations:

Instead of screaming and making a mess, you'll be able to stay cool and find solutions.

If you are able to influence the emotions of others, you have a great power, and also a great responsibility to use it for good.

Having this skill will allow you to transmit emotion through your words:

•Solve conflicts
•Inspire others
Hope you enjoyed this thread!

I wanted to thank you for 1700 followers!! It's truly an honor to share this journey with all of you.

Let's all keep growing together!🤝🔥
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