The scale of our tragedy:

7 out of 20 pages in Saurashtra Samachar’s Bhavnagar edition today contain obituaries.

It has 195 obituaries — 63 with photos & 132 text-only.

It had 21 obituaries two months back, on March 9.

21 to 195.

Remaining 3 pages from today’s paper that contain text-only obituaries:

Please note:

1. Gujarat govt’s data says 54 Covid patients died yesterday in the entire Saurashtra region, which consists of 11 districts including Bhavnagar.

12 out of these 54 died yesterday in Bhavnagar, as per Guj govt’s data.

2. Not everyone who loses a loved one gets an obituary published. Especially not the poor.

3. The aforementioned figure of 195 is from Bhavnagar edition of one of the Gujarati newspapers.

4. People are not just a statistic. We must never forget this.

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