As Fredrick Douglas said, “without struggle, there can be no peace.” And Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin added “peace without justice is surrender.” I want peace as much as the next person however, asking the poorest, most marginalized folks to stand back and accept violence, passively…
Is complicity to the violence inflicted upon us. Appealing to the oppressor in the hopes that they will defer to morality and good will, is idealistic at best. Destruction of 10 blocks property can never amount to one life lost due to state violence.
Ppl only seem to count or be aware of the violence committed via war, or police. Forgetting that poverty is imposed on the poor and is critical health issue, as well as housing. These are fundamental to anyone’s safety anyone’s well being. Yet lawmakers and politicians…
Impose these policies on the poorest, hardest working ppl in this country. When ppl complain about “burger flippers” not showing up for work, and justifying their pay based on their academic achievements or lack thereof, they ignore the hypocrisy of that statement.
If I have to break that down, then you will never understand what I’m trying to say. During coronavirus, these ppl were deemed “essential” and not just in the fast food business, but supermarket workers, the Uber drivers bringing you Uber eats.
No one should be working for less than a living wage, idc what their job title is. No one should be killed by the state w/o just cause. No one should be killed in wars based on lies. There’s never been any real justice for indigenous ppl.
Or for black folks who have suffered immeasurably as well. No, I’m fact, further state violence is imposed on BIPOC and it becomes legal. And as we know, the law is no measure of morality. So, when violence is imposed, the logical and rational stance should be, self defense.
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