In the spirit of my earlier retweet (about being excited to share horror movies with people seeing them for the first time), here are some currently-playing movies on Shudder that I would be thrilled to introduce someone to for the first time!

A thread in many parts:
Curse of the Demon (1958)
The Stepfather (1987)
O'Quinn's performance makes this sing. Creepy and terrifying, a step above your average slasher.
Nightbreed (1990)
Clive Barker brings us more atmospheric grotesque beauty.
Them (2005)
Sometimes bad things happen for no goddamn reason, and that's maybe the scariest thing of all.
Turbo Kid (2016)
Not really horror, but it's a lot of fun so I won't quibble about Shudder including it on their service. No description of this movie does it justice, but trust me, it's worth going in unspoiled.
Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (2005)
Meta, but not obnoxiously so. Plenty of nods to knowledgeable horror fans without being incomprehensible if you don't pick up on the references.
We Are What We Are (2014)
Slow burn leading up to a fucking BRUTAL ending. Truly chilling all the way around.
Ginger Snaps
One of the best werewolf movies to come out of the turn of the millennium. Emily Perkins and Katharine Isabelle are incredible.
Hell House LLC (2016)
This movie had huge buzz when it was released. In case it passed you by, here it is again. Truly one of the best found footage movies around, even if it kind of stops making sense by the end. It's a worthwhile ride.
Black Christmas (1973)
THE pre-slasher slasher. If you've missed this one (or only seen the sub-par remakes), give it a shot.
A Tale of Two Sisters (2002)
Creepy as hell, even if you see the twist coming. Far superior to the American remake (The Uninvited). Out of all the movies in this thread, this might be the one I'm the most excited to share.
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