books i want to write if/when i become more knowledgeable that i probably never will:
general book about physics in islam, hidden gems of our imams and the qur’an hinting at the existence of only newfound discoveries, etc. kinda general but yeah.
book dedicated for the marginalised members of shi’ism — transgender muslims, bi/gay muslims. i’d want them to feel like there’s a place for them in our religion, and words of comfort, reassurance etc. idk. we/they’re so neglected it makes me sad.
book dedicated to raising children but i mean an actually good one because i don’t trust most sheikhs who write these kinds of books ygm? especially since raising children in 2012 when x book may have been written is so diff to 2020. i think i’d do it better sorry lol.
book/article dedicated to the metaphysical and spiritual importance of numbers in shi’a islam. you’ll notice that when you recite certain things, it’s in orders of 3, then 2 after that, or 7 etc. these numbers hold significance imo & i would love to learn more ab their true value
tbh apart from the most recent one (which i genuinely just wanna know for my own curiosity) i acc would only write the rest as a khidma to others, so hopefully that’ll be more motivating for me to actually write them. maybe. doubt it. anyways i’ll keep updating this thread :p
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