Oh for chrissake what have I missed that an Autism-related word is trending.
Oh. Oh no. This is really actually bad.
Fucking Elon Musk.
Now listen there wasn't a lot of joy for me in Asperger Syndrome anyway because I don't think it's a useful distinction as a dx where it still exists. https://twitter.com/EbThen/status/1367331416233693185
But like... all these non-Autistics are praising him. And saying how important blah blah blah blah blah...

And here I am in a contortion of cringe like "Nonononono this is not happening."
If he says he's Autistic, fine, he's Autistic, but he's still a human trash bag, so.

We don't support all Autistics just because we share a neurotype. Some Autistics do shitty things.
Also just because Elon Musk says he's Autistic doesn't mean you get to armchair dx all the other tech bajillionaires as Autistic too.

Also Elon Musk being a trash employer is not because he's Autistic.
Also I don't really see Elon Musk hanging out in Autistic community or using his money to lift his fellow Autistics out of poverty so.

I'm proposing we just choose not to claim him.

We can accept that he's also Autistic but we don't have to enthusiastically welcome him as part of us.
Also I still dunno if maybe it was just a joke based on all the people armchair dx'ing him. I suppose we'll have to wait for some sort of in-depth profile.
I didn't see the clip but someone who did weighed in with more context. https://twitter.com/Gerrund_ing/status/1391245584867020804
Someone else had more helpful context in the form of a transcript. And it ends ugly. https://twitter.com/bi_rhetorics/status/1391245801742127106
What a fucking disaster. And April is over! I call foul.
It's just we expect this kind of crap from April. Now it's May and we're supposed to get shit for being mentally ill.

I know how this calendar works.
Anyway if you picked up on it the way some folks replying to this thread did, Musk basically used a diagnosis of "Aspergers" as an excuse for his harmful behavior.

Which brings us—right on schedule—to Simon Baron-Cohen (MHFIAV).
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