So a woman (who shall go nameless) reached out to express her concern over the pic I posted of myself in a swimsuit to Insta. She asked me what sort of example I was setting for my daughter, & if I would feel comfortable having my sons look at a woman dressed like that.
I answered that my children see me dressed like that all the time at the pool & sunbathing in the yard. She followed up by suggesting that I wear something more fitting as a mom of four in public.
This sort of outside scrutiny is why I never went into fitness competitions in my late teens/early 20s. I was terrified of wearing bikini on stage. My trainer pushed me, but I wouldn't do it. I was too insecure.
Those voices never entirely go away. We just ignore them. I want to be the kind of mom who shows my kids that bodies of different sizes are beautiful at all ages. I try to do that by setting an example of embracing my own body & loving it.
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