Rating the Charmin bear families, a thread:
Brown bear family: 8/10 new to the neighborhood and seem like an average nuclear family in which the father is the main money maker and the mother could possibly be a stay at home mom. Haven’t done anything yet to make me want to bleach my eyes.
Blue bear family: 4/10. The son has some weird fetish with the toilet paper which causes him to lock himself in his family’s bathroom. I’m not one to kink shame but his occupancy of the bathroom at an increased period of time brings up the question whether or not the rest of the
family uses the bathroom.
Red bear family: : -2/10. These shitheads don’t wipe their asses and I’m sick and tired of that stupid “my hiney’s clean” jingle. The mom and dad are constantly confused as to where their son’s ass has been as he is seen asking why his ass itches. I would willingly admit
to tp-ing this family’s house.
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