I haven't been online all day until less than 1 hour ago. I've been struggling w/the stress that comes with applying for healthcare.

I rec'd an application for Medicaid today. They want me to write a fucking book. The postage alone for sending everything back w/b costly. (1/)
I don't mind proving my eligibility. But what really gets me is how many documents are required compared to what they used to ask for in the past. Imho the government is making the process as difficult as possible to discourage people from applying. (2/)
I got so stressed out after reading the paperwork that I had an asthma attack and had to use my nebulizer. They want me to do not only the regular application for Medicaid but a "supplement" Just. Because. I'm. Disabled.

This is too much for me to cope with.

All I know is, my health is getting worse. I may have been vaccinated but that doesn't mean I'm out of the woods as far as Covid's concerned. If I were to get it I'd be as good as dead because of my medical hx AND I don't have adequate coverage. This isn't fair.
Several months ago I signed up for a special service - which, thank G-d is free - where someone calls me once a day to see if I'm ok. If they can't reach me, 911 will be called & law enforcement and EMTs will be sent to my home.

That's how bad off I am.

Why in G-d's Holy Name am I and everyone else who is poor required to jump through many hoops to stay alive? How is this fair? How can both parties - I don't care if one is a Democrat or GOP - justify this ongoing crisis, esp. during a fucking pandemic?
The Democrats are back in control of the House, Senate AND White House. There's no reason why they can't set up REAL healthcare reform. We need a single payer system or M4A. The reason nothing's been done about is CORPORATE GREED.

This is why I said the other day that if I live to see the 2022 election, I will NOT vote. Why bother if real change is not implemented?

I've had it with excuses. Pass that damn healthcare reform NOW or I and many other disgusted voters won't fucking bother to vote. (8/)
I go to bed every night wondering if I will wake up the next day. NO ONE should have to live like that.

So much for our fucked up democracy. I've fucking had it. Shame on all those who can change things and choose not to.


<end of thread>
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