I’m one of the founding team members currently sitting on a locked, 7-figure $RUNE bag. I know several others (with even more). None of us are selling. https://twitter.com/mr_rolph/status/1390778537192435713
I liquidated a portion at 83c to fund another venture, but have since bought back in about double that amount at a cost basis of $8 because I’m bullish AF.
We see the roadmap, understand where the ecosystem is going, and we have INSANE conviction.
@THORChain is going to be critical piece of crypto infrastructure for decades to come.
And when we do want to realize some spending power, we’re going to take $RUNE collateralized loans to maintain our long positions and avoid taxable events.
We - the early investors, the developers, and the $RUNE whales - are here for the long haul.

$2k RUNE or bust. LFG.
You can follow @0xNguyen.
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