mcyttwt lets talk about ableism towards people with npd (narcissistic personality disorder)

- a thread by a narc 🧵 (non - npd havers rt)
before we start i want to link some articles & resources about npd

dsm-5 criteria for npd
- some more information about npd (expands on types of npd and talks about npd in clinical environment)
npd is extremely demonized and its hard to find actual information about it without seeing harmful stereotypes. all the articles are trying to "warn" you how bad narcissists are and treat us not like humans, but like wild animals who you should be scared of, and are aimed to+
"protect" you from people with npd.

im not even talking about ableism we face in clinical environments!
i constantly see people calling different characters & ppl narcissists/narcissistic. stop doing that and find other words: egotistical, selfish, self-absorbed. also stop "diagnosing" characters/ppl with npd.

npd is extremely demonized already. stop adding to those stereotypes.
stop villainizing characters who show npd symptoms and aren't highly empathetic

examples: c!tubbo, c!tommy, c!wilbur, c!dream, c!techno

(you're allowed to dislike them. just make sure you are actually criticizing them & their actions)
just overall stop shaming people who have low empathy for it. we can be compassionate without being empathetic. we can help and love our close ones and stand for ideals we believe in without being empathetic.
tw: abuse mention

people with npd aren't inherently abusive. *some* abusers have npd, but not *all* people with npd are abusers.

while we talk about that, don't support world narcissistic abuse awareness day, as the org that made it spreads harmful stereotypes about npd
we don't have life on "easy-mode". sometimes this disorder is pain in the ass. we have to deal with so much. our trauma gets invalidated every day bc of the way we respond to it. please, understand this and don't say you "wish you had npd" or complain how easy it must be for us.
we can't control it. we can't control our reactions. we genuinely don't understand the effect we have on others & sometimes we are unaware of the reasons for our goals. it's a disorder we didn't choose to have.
for some reason a lot of people think holding people with npd accountable for things they did by being affected by this disorder is ableist. it's not! continue to hold people with npd accountable but remember that we don't perceive the world the same way you do.
also stop demonizing people who are confident and don't call them narcissists? wtf why do i even have to say this. it happens so much in this fandom, unfortunately :/
continue to educate yourself on npd and ableism we as people who live with it face. if you have any questions, im more than happy to answer.

probably will continue to add more stuff to this thread if i remember anything else :]
also it's alright for narcs to headcanon characters as having npd. dont get mad at *us* for this 😅 it's simply a comfort thing that makes us feel better about ourselves
we don't owe you showing our personality disorder online to make you believe us. don't claim people for faking npd.
as this thread is getting traction i want to make this tweet clear (see below)

c!dream is a villain. that's a known fact and i'm in no way trying to say he's not. just make sure when you discuss him, you don't say he's awful for having 0 empathy
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