my appearance or any girls appearances doesnt matter, that's literally what ive been trying to say. don't. judge. by. appearances, please! i wear what i want when i want to. it literally doesnt affect my stance in the slightest. stop judging girls for not covering up and stop (1)
judging them for covering up. thats literally it!! stop stop! focus on the main issues, school is UNSAFE. #MakeSchoolsASaferPlace
no im not submitting to them. im just doing what i want. im not submitting to any "them". i just want school safer my appearance has nothing to do with it. and if you think me wearing how i want to is me submitting to them you-
are no better than the people policing my appearance when im not covering up.
let girls do what they want. do what THEY want. choice. are you not pressuring me not to cover up at this point?..i understand your concern but this is literally why girls are so oppressed. cant even choose what to do.
i think the message that this acts sends out is not to tell girls what to wear and dont judge by our appearances 😆
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