if dsmp cc subtwts were highschoolers, a LONG thread:
smiletwt: popular hot kids who pay the “nerds” good money to do their hw. parties every weekend that are invite-only but end up opening for anyone halfway into the night
404twt: neutral under teacher’s perspective, they’ve all taken compsci at one point and are a grade ahead in math. close friend groups that formed freshman year and haven’t changed since
pandastwt: prefer working alone whenever they can and most likely have one very close irl. call teachers by their first name by senior year. got in one big physical fight at school and won it. lots of snapchat story views
manifoldtwt: wear their hoodies in class when they shouldn’t and keep it on when the teacher tells them to take it off. observers who have a death note list and keep it in their back pocket
innittwt: fast walkers who don’t apologize if they bump into you in the hallway. probably in band but not “band kids”. have one talent that they’re really good at. extroverts who sling their arm around their friend’s shoulders in the hallway
honeytwt: always has a mechanical pencil to lend, and the comfortable kind that doesn’t hurt your fingers. the lead doesn’t break either. straight a’s but nobody knows
bootwt: hate standardized testing and won’t shut up about it. LGBTQ+ with LGBTQ+ friends and a token cishet. have an aesthetic that presents itself both digitally (ex phone layout) and irl (outfits/makeup)
punztwt: would lend you their hoodie and think nothing of it. loud and happy around close irls but extremely quiet in bigger spaces. definitely live a double life of some sort
totemtwt: hot. too superior for anyone at their school and they know it. gets a high SAT score even though they didn’t study much. good at multiple sports and semi-famous on tiktok
quacktwt: gives the best advice even though they have the least experience. funny even without trying and had a schoolwide rumor about them at one point. acquaintances with the entire grade bc they’re chill
wilburtwt: sing really well but not a choir kid. probably dream about performing in front of the school despite hating huge audiences. known for writing the school newspaper
bakerytwt: always brings extra snacks to school and will give one to you, but for a price. probably do taekwondo or some art of self-defense and would be able to beat up the school wrestling coaches
ramtwt: still wear neon clothes or the creeper hoodie despite the fact that they should’ve been left in elementary. ugly shoes. talk about church and state in every essay and brag about being on the debate team
honktwt: knows how to make the fastest kind of paper airplane. a gum supplier for their class who’d fart with their elbow mid-test. black phone with a clear case, stereotypical eboy/egirl vibes
puffytwt: known for being the child of one of the teachers or coaches. is a therapist for close irls and gets called the “mom friend”, would beat up their bff’s exes if they cheated. does all the work on group projects
skeppytwt: right hand man of the “class clown”. argumentative and comes off as mean. probably calls their best friend between classes bc they’re clingy. one airpod in the entire school day
muffintwt: has never broken dress code in their entire life. very few friends and when you first meet them, they come off as snarky/stuckup. checks out from the school library every day
awesamtwt: wears a cross necklace but isn’t THAT kind of christian. only wears nike or adidas or other overpriced sports brands. known for having a jawline, gets simped for often
ponktwt: the “untouchable” people of highschool. incredibly mature and attractive but nobody appreciates it. had the biggest glowup in personality and looks from middle school to hs
yiptwt: probably falling in love with their bff. makes jokes about everything they can and has talked shit about every teacher. brings the same starbucks order every morning. has late arrival
twtza: was the parent of the friend group originally but didn’t have the energy to stay that way. says they’re “honest” but they’re actually just rude. sweatpants and hoodie person who hates every core subject
technotwt: has a track record of doing things for attention. a choir, art, or english kid with too many absences/tardies. unironically wears a pencil behind one ear and somehow graduates early
if i forgot any important ones which i probably did... el oh el no i didn’t. also NOTHING in this thread reflects the ccs themselves, just how my brain associates their subtwt vibes !! i also didn’t include drugs/vaping in any of these for a reason đŸ‘đŸŒ
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