Mediocre people always want the last word. Let them have it. It's the only sense of victory they'll ever know.
Once they feel like they've won, they stop bothering you. This is the reward for having the discipline to ignore them. If you keep giving them attention, they'll just keep bothering you. It's an ego thing. Losers have big egos. Yours should be big enough not to care about theirs.
Them: "no I will be taken seriously, I will be acknowledged, he will listen!"

You: "You only generate nonsense and noise. I don't take you seriously enough for your opinion to matter."

Don't always feel the need to defend yourself because someone threw a rock. Let it go.
Defending yourself means giving attention. Which is what they want.

Mediocre people want nothing more than for you to notice them. It gives them dopamine hits and a false sense of importance and relevance.

Online, you need a PhD in ignoring people, or all you'd do is fight 24/7
Why did our ancestors fight? For land, women, and money. It was constructive. It was about growth and expansion. It wasn't petty.

Why do people fight on Twitter? Because someone's ego got upset by someone else's disrespect. Who cares. Zero upside. Waste of time. Go do life.
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