Here is a PSA, we are not living in an autocratic regime! For those who believe the current public health measures are similar to the dystopian 1984, I have a few words for you.
A. The current measures do not replicate the policies of 1984. Canadians are not under surveillance. Big Brother is not watching you, ok! Stop, the joke is old now.
B. The government is not oppressing you. The public health measures fall under law enforcement. If you believe that police ticketing you for having a party is oppressive, you have problems. The government is not exploiting it’s powers by penalizing you for endangering Canadians.
DO NOT WEAPONIZE LITERATURE TO SUITE YOUR MALICIOUS AGENDAS!!!! If you truly understood what 1984 meant you would not be holding little petty protests. You are not a victim, the government is not controlling your life.
As a fan of dystopian fiction, I can confidently say that we are not being oppressed. We still have civil liberties, we have a functioning democracy, we have privacy from the government! Any government controls the country, it’s what they do, they GOVERN.
I believe all types of societies fall on a spectrum. From a libertarian’s dream, to a despotic regime. Democratic society’s and republics are a middle ground, they fall between the 2 extremes and are relatively balanced societies.
To undermine the government’s efforts to control the pandemic you rebel. I have no problem with you protesting, but I have an issue with you spreading lies. So, this thread has debunked all of your key arguments.
And by the way, you are not a hero. You are not doing this for the sake of democracy. You are like a draft dodger, who does not want to obey the LAW.
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