☄️ aries - leo - sag ☄️

what you deem as “losses” and “bad luck” that keeps reoccurring in your life has actually just been an unwanted amount of lessons that you desperately need to learn. things haven’t been going ‘your way’ because the universe keeps trying to show you that—
there’s a thin line between what you want and what’s actually best for you. in the recent past, you’ve missed out on opportunities due to your stubborn nature. it’s normally said that only you know what’s best for you, although this statement is true to an extent, often times we—
can mislead ourselves when our intuition is blocked. lack of discernment causes paranoia, anxiety, and bad judgement. you’ve been blinded by what your ego wants that you weren’t able to see what your soul needs. another issue here is that often times you go after things without—
getting time to gather enough data and info about it first. you need to gain more discipline over your risky behavior & natural impulses that involve you reacting before you think. there was an unfortunate event or a recent heartbreak that took place to shake up your foundation—
but for the better. you’re not fond of listening to anyone besides yourself when you’re going after the things you want, so you end up learning things the hard way. you don’t have to though. take something from the situation(s) that hurt you & apply the wisdom you gain from it.
life is your biggest teacher right now. you also could be meeting a mentor/guide that’ll help you with your healing and character development. others of you are thinking of being a teacher to others, but even teachers are students that learn too. it’s okay to obtain knowledge—
from sources outside of yourself. it’s how you expand your mind and are able to see things in different perspectives. shifting your mentality is a major essential need for you right now. it’s the only way to release yourself of mental enslavement, fear, and limiting beliefs.
during your period of healing and grievance, epiphanies and unlocking higher levels of consciousness will be a key theme for you. you were removed and/or delayed of certain things because you need to develop a certain mindset before taking action towards your plans and goals.
new opportunities and chances will be rolling back around for you, and this time you’ll have more stability and security to maintain it. whether that’s a job, a relationship, or etc. be sure to make room for your manifestations though, so cut off any excess toxic—
relationships, habits, mindsets, etc. cut out bad diets. get rid of things that brings sickness to your mind, body, and soul. get back in alignment with yourself, unblock your intuition, and reconnect with your inner voice. you need a moment of solitude to make new changes.
don’t be afraid to receive help from others tho. patience is another thing you need to work on. you often rush into projects, relationships, etc. in fear that you’ll run out of time or miss out when in reality, you can’t miss out on what’s meant for you.
sometimes rushing leads to short-lived situations and connections. your communication skills with others is often aggressive, conflicting, or even sometimes thoughtless because you lack patience and act of anger/annoyance. you could unintentionally dismiss or invalidate how—
others feel due to harsh communication. it’s suggested to open up more and show more compassion. after contemplation and reevaluating your life, you will be forced to make life-changing decisions that will be long term, but diffuse your anxious thoughts because the point of you—
taking time out to think is for you to be able to receive clarity and unblock your intuition to make the right decisions. some things you want to a risk on or you’re worried about is being said by your angels that things could go either way, but learn to be okay with either way.
anything you lose or miss out on will be replaced with something better. anything that’s been delayed will slowly begin to speed up within the next few months. could be sooner for others. show appreciation for what you have now. gratitude teaches us be more still and patient.
things you want will slowly gravitate towards you once you do what you need to do first. also, some of you need to stop trying to impress people to the point that you can’t live up to the image you display. if you want real, it’s only fair you be 100% real too. in all areas of—
your life. your priorities for now is self-mastery, healing, ascension, and reconstruction. you are changing yourself entirely because it’s time to get serious about your responsibilities, your purpose, and your journey. take charge. there’s a legacy waiting for you to build.
you have many foundations to build, and others you’ll get the chance to rebuild, but for now the main one you need to rebuild is yourself. when will you begin?

- 3, 444, 555, 7, 888, or 1212
- something coming back around (an offer, ex, etc.)
- black, red, gold, or lime
- cut out bad habits (drinking, smoking, bad diet, irregular sleep, etc.)
- collaboration
- new partnerships
-aquarius, scorpio, taurus, pisces, libra and capricorn placements
- increased finances
- transformation
- growth/fertility
thank you 🥺🖤
my own little notes i took:
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