From: Me
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2019 1:53 PM
To: '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'
Cc: Attorney's & PRESS
Subject: Is this some sick joke?


#Day953 of US internment
*keep in mind this was before I realized the press had been gagged, or of my husband involvement. And the intelligence operation that went down in court that day was really something to witness and scary as hell.*
Is this motion some kind of sick joke?  If you don’t step in and handle our extortion cases immediately, I’ll be sure to show up at (redacted) hearing with my e-mails in tow to make sure they all get added to the record and filed in U. S. Federal Bankruptcy court.
I’ll bet the journalists on this thread would be more than willing to make sure there are plenty of cameras and reporters waiting outside of that court hearing to find out what happened, don’t you?  In addition, when will you issue an injunction
halting all foreclosures going forward in order to stop the continued theft of homes from this transnational crime syndicate currently masquerading as government?  Or are you cool with the continued theft as long as those campaign coffers stay as full as possible?
Both the kingpin and the agent from Cuba are now U.S. citizens.  So not only are they laundering money but abusing our immigration system and handing out citizenship to our enemies.  Good times folks.
I wonder if the democrats can stop campaigning for a few months and stay in DC until the FBI and DOJ come clean.  What a novel idea.  And by the way the corruption in this is absolutely bipartisan.  There are far too many democrats that will end up embroiled in this mess as well.
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