Professional dog trainer Kirishima meeting Bakugou and his problematic but beautiful husky. Bakugou tries to listen and pay attention during the intake, but every time that Kirishima moves, his jeans tighten on massive thighs, and Bakugou loses his train of thought.
When the dog shoves its nose into the redhead’s crotch, Bakugou pulls her away, embarrassed. “I’m so sorry; she just gets up in everyone’s business!”
Kirishima laughed. “It’s okay, bro—she’s just doing what dogs do! It’s how they introduce themselves; you know?”

Bakugou snorted. “Lucky bitch.” His eyelids flew open as he looked anywhere but at the redhead. “I mean…”
Kirishima cocked an eyebrow at his client. “You know, the best way to figure out the issues with her behaviour is to really observe her in her own habitat. You want to order in for dinner? Maybe put in a movie? So I can maybe see what she’s like when you wake up in the morning?”
Bakugou swallowed. “You said that the breed needs a strong, authoritative master, right?” He grinned as the redhead nodded. “Maybe she’s not the only one.”
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