People think it's funny to sexualize their favs and here's why it's not:
~ A necessary thread 🧵~
Before starting, I want to make a few points. Part 1. I understand; bc once upon a time, I was one of those fans. So this isn't a high-horse moment; this is my humbled self trying to reach other fans. Even though it's normalized fan behavior, it always felt wrong to me
Part 2: This thread can apply to any fandoms w sexualizing/dehumanizing issues, but I am speaking from the 1D members' fanbase perspective
They (1D) have always been hyper-sexualized. They were marketed as the internet's boyfriends bc sex sells. Even from the beginning as teens, the boys were characterized in a sexual light bc it helped w marketing. It was never ok, and they have stated it makes them uncomfortable.
Just bc something is normalized (repeated so much it seems okay) or bc they're "famous" and "used to it" does not make it alright. Further, it still doesnt make it alright, just bc it's not said it directly to them.
Examples you might relate to:

- Creepy men catcalling girls are terrible, yet fans sexualizing is "okay."

- Your friend's parents mistreated them all their life, so they don't expect much. As the friend, you prove to them they deserve much better, not reinforce the ab*se
I understand it's difficult to empathize bc their lives & problems seem detached from the rest of us. They r put on pedestals. But they r still ppl; same as any ordinary stranger u might meet. I don't say that to discredit how amazing they r; I say it bc it's a grounded pov.
They see much more than fans give them credit for. They don't want to log on and see someone's username or someone talking about wanting to ride them. (two examples out of the countless going on daily)
If the men were women and ppl discussed breast size or sex positions or used explicit usernames, etc., they would be called out, but there is this terrible double standard bc they are guys
The more grounded we become as fans, the more we detach ourselves from stuff that isn't about us and, & respect for them as ordinary ppl grows
If you believe yourself to be a true fan, start to reflect, be more considerate of how they may feel, and give them basic respect! I don't expect anyone to see this, so if you do it's the bare minimum but small changes r better than none
What we focus on grows. If more fans focus on respect and empathy, the negativity will weaken, and more ppl will join the respect train.
~ End of thread 🧵 ~ #HarryStyles #LiamPayne #LouisTomlinson #NiallHoran #ZaynMalik #ondirection
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