Story wise its missed potential. I am not saying it had to be as great as subspace emissary (Even tho I would like that) but aside from that really cool begging cutsence all the cutsence are exclusive to the 2nd half of the game.
And the other cutsence are lack luster. (Spoilers ahead for the rest of the thread)
Yeah its cool seeing Dharkon take over as the main antagonist after defeating Galeem for the first time and seeing Galeem come back to fight Dharkon and seeing the game's 2 bad endings and seeing Master and Crazy hand break free of Galeem and Dharkon's control
Its still a good story but the part I feel that is missed potential is within the characters themselves. Instead of each character being its own character each character is part of a general group so much that it mind as well be one character except for the begging cutsence.
Overall its not a bad story just wish their were more cutsence's and the characters acted individually like in the begging cutsence and the cutsence's in Subspace emissary.

Now I should be talking about the gameplay itself shouldn't I?
Most of this is just spirit battles and boss fights. Don't get me wrong I like the spirit battles and boss fights but they take up 90% of the gameplay.
Yes their is a over world that can have puzzles and the puzzles are fun and I will give world of light that it had good idea's for overworld puzzles like a trivia quiz where you are asked a question and in order to answer the question correctly you have to fight a spirit
where defeating said spirit is saying that answer (Example: fighting Tabuu and defeating him is saying "The answer is Tabuu") overall a creative puzzle. However sometimes a path will be blocked and you will need a certain spirit to get past cool just find said spirit and fix it.
The problem? If you get that spirit outside of world of light you don't have to find it in the world of light you can just fix it as soon as it breaks which defeats the whole purpose. And while we're on the subject of the spirits let me just say this.
You shouldn't be able to bring spirits you earn outside of world of light into world of light. Some spirit battles require you to have a certain spirit otherwise it will be ridiculously hard so you'll have to get a certain spirit.
The problem? The same one with the path breaking problem. If you get a spirit from outside WoL you can just use that as soon as you get to that fight. So its the same one. And it just doesn't feel satisfying as earning a spirit within the game.
Now let me just say this. The skill tree is cool. Nothing worth really talking about just a nice skill tree.

Okay with that out of the way let's talk about my biggest problem with world of light in terms of gameplay.
Remember how I said 90% of this game is spirit battles and boss fights? Well in the near end part of the game their are 2 sections I feel aren't really either.

One of those being a part of the game where you play as Master Hand and this is honestly so freaking cool.
And another part is a area where you are climbing a vertical platforming section fighting Galeem and Dharkon's minions which isn't as crazy as the part where you played as master hand but still fun.
If we had more parts of the game that were like that my opinion of world of light would be more positive. Like what if their was a part of the game where we had to run from a giant bulpmin or a part of the game where we had to infiltrate a pirate ship.
Or maybe a part of a game where we had to escape Bowser's Castle before it blows up? Or a part of the game where we were in a fighting tournament and had to battle various enemies with limited healing between each round?
I'll continue this thread later I am taking a break.
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