Sam is watching Tangled for the first time so here’s a thread of his best comments

“Why is it called tangled? Her hair isn’t tangled??”

“Don’t you dare let Eleanor’s hair get that long”

“That’s abuse”

“You’re not a bloodhound bro”

Stay tuned for more exciting commentary
Pt 2
“You probably killed him bro. You hit him with a cast iron skillet.”

“You don’t just look at somebody with eyes of love who just broke into your house”-life lessons with Sam
Pt 3 (E is being difficult rn pray for us)
“Why would you just have a dagger hanging out in a drawer dude???”

*lots of scoff chuckles lol*

“Mozart wasn’t even alive yet” -we are working on temporary suspension of disbelief

*vladimir collecting mini unicorns got a belly laugh*
Pt 4

“Why is there a gold rush era mine in this?”

“That was definitely a m*sterbation joke”

“Oh my god are you tweeting me”

“She finally gets to see the lanterns and she’s singing??”

“I just want to point out that they’ve only known each other for 24 hours”
Pt 5

“Oh lord we’ve got the American psycho of Disney over here”

“YOU WERE A BABY” *throws head back in frustration*

“She said she hated mumbling but the she starting mumbling lol”

“She stabbed him but the knife wasn’t bloody?”

“Ooof course her tears were magic”
Final thoughts: the old dude wasn’t the last image he wanted in his head but it was pretty good
He said 6/10 🙄
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