Do you have a book that holds a special place to your heart, not because of its content but for any other reason?

This is mine. The Witch’s Cauldron by @LTempestZ ...this book practically refreshed my practice and helped me to get back into my magical and spiritual practice.
Not just for its content. The content found within the pages of this book are marvellous! But the book found its way to me in a time of absolute turmoil. I’d just graduated university, had just come home from a 2 month long backpacking trip. When I found this book in London.
For at least a year prior to purchasing this book, I had completely neglected my magical and spiritual practice. It was a turbulent time. My academic life was ending, I had no plans for the future, I was living in a new city, friends and family had abandoned me after coming out.
I lost faith in just about everything to be honest with you. In myself, in the Gods, in magic itself. I was in London for my first ever gender identity clinic appointment. After my appointment we headed to the Atlantis bookshop. And there I found this book.
The book reawakened my inner witch. All the talk of cauldrons made me long to reconnect with the spirit of Welsh magic, and call upon the archetypal Welsh witch and Goddess: Cerridwen. I rekindled my friendship with old friends such as Kristoffer Hughes.
And now here I am. Almost four years later. I have faith in myself and in my own magic once again. And it was all rekindled thanks to this magical little book. I’ve been a Witch since I was very young, but I don’t think my path truly started to take form until that reawakening.
We talk a lot about the first witchy book we ever read and how it influenced us. But we never talk about the books that stumbled into our lives during difficult times. The books that helped reshape the way you identify as a practitioner of magic. So tell me yours!
You can follow @MharaStarling.
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