Nehru held the posts of both PM and MEA.

In his first speech in Parliament Vajpayee spoke on foreign affairs, in Hindi.

Nehru said foreign policy was usually discussed in English, but as the young man had spoken so well, he asked the Speaker permission to reply in Hindi.
This was a gesture of remarkable graciousness by a man at the height of his powers to a young colleague from an insignificant political party that Nehru despised.

Vajpayee would speak of Nehru's grace and politeness when recounting this incident.
Now suppose the speech was about how 17 members of the MEA were Muslim and should be dismissed because it "wasn't a madrasa"?

Do you think Nehru would have been as gracious?

There is a difference between collegial etiquette and pandering to hate speech.
Saying that the white robes of the Ku Klux Klan are very clean is a bit besides the point at a lynching.
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