Okay. Initially bit my tongue but after seeing this for a 2nd time, let's have it.

This ego-driven, self-adulating, horseshit of an excuse for comedy will likely prevent more vaccinations than it produces. Why?

B/c the vaccine-hesitant are not anti-vaxxers. 🧵/1 https://twitter.com/nowthisnews/status/1390245705432793089
Simply put, imagine going to a doctor's office and expressing concern about the vaccine, or a treatment, or a procedure. - "Doctor, I'm a little nervous about the side effects."

"JuSt ShUt ThE F**k Up AnD dO iT!"

Forget about poor messaging, it's straight up unprofessional. /2
It must have been a thrilling feeling to be asked to participate on a TV segment, but it would have been much better if these doctors and all of #Medtwitter just collectively said "No thank you".

Please stop trying to help, @jimmykimmel, and stick to whatever it is you do.
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