White people in Brooklyn have made Biggie Smalls’ legacy into Ronald McDonald style mascot. All these new businesses be having specials like the Biggie Lobster Roll, the Kick In the Door cocktail, the Baby Baby Platter, while the owner is a trust fund guy with tats.
I went to this nu-Bklyn installation show once, was dragged to it, and one of the artists had an interactive exhibit with the letters L O V E. The letters were connected and when you moved one letter all the rest would move apart. “Spread Love Its The Brooklyn Way” get it?
The weird thing is there are so many iconic Brooklyn celebrities. Why not a Babs The Way We Were Pastrami Sandwich or something? The Iron Mike Lobster Roll, etc
You’re killing me lol https://twitter.com/perpetua/status/1391182724241760263
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