Pete Snyder addressing supporters:

“We’ve had enough of the insanity. It is time for common sense. It’s time for Virginia to lead again.”
“There is one person in the Commonwealth who is shaking in his boots. Terry McAuliffe...

Terry McAuliffe’s worst nightmare came true today.”
"The folks in charge in Richmond, have done absolutely nothing to help. In fact, they've made things worse. And we need to turn it around, we need to give a voice to those who feel unseen and unheard."
"Because after five decades in corrupt, crony politics-- we are going to end corrupt Terry's career."
"Common sense Leadership means actually opening up our schools, five days a week, every single week, with a teacher in every single classroom... We're not going to stop at opening these schools. We're going to fix these schools."
"Common sense leadership means an end to all of these ridiculous mandates that trample upon our freedoms. And these unconstitutional shutdowns and executive orders that have absolutely destroyed our economy. They are all going on day one."
"I'm so very grateful for what every single one of you has put in over the past five months... We feel confident where we stand right now...
"The vote hasn't been counted yet. I don't care how long it takes me. Take until Wednesday, take 2 weeks. Make it fair, make it transparent. But guess what, I think we all know what the outcome is going to be."
"We are going to help Virginia lead again. We are going to light the spark that our nation needs. All of the eyes of the world are watching Virginia..."
"Virginians are coming together because they are tired of the extremism, they're done with the insanity, and they want commonsense leadership. They want their Commonwealth to lead again and we're going to do just that. Thank you all very very much." #VaGov
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