(1/18) Christian brothers and sisters, I urge you to flee from the Enneagram. It is a serpent that has slithered it's way into the Church and it’s due time it’s head was crushed. You might think I am being extreme but I’m not.
I was introduced to the Enneagram when it started
(2/18) trending in 2016. It was spreading rapidly in my circles and was well on it’s way to infiltrating the church. Like every wandering 20-something, I was intrigued at the idea of learning about different personalities and interested in learning more about myself. I was told
(3/18) that through the lens of the Enneagram the good, the bad, the ugly would all be revealed and I could take that knowledge and work on my patterns of behavior/sin tendencies to become the person I was made to be. I was also told that learning the Enneagram would help me
(4/18) understand the people around me and grow stronger in my relationships. Nothing about that is Christian but I bought into the idea that it could be a good tool for a Christian. Ignoring any red flags…*cough*... the Holy Spirit, I jumped on board. I got so into it that I
(5/18) read almost every book written about it at that time, spent months listening to podcasts about it, talked about it with anyone that would listen, organized and led 3 book studies with my immediate family on it, and seriously contemplated forking out a couple grand to
(6/18) become a certified Enneagram coach so I could get paid to help people figure out their numbers and work on themselves. I’ve even written to Ian Cron and Suzanne Stabile and I've spoken with Beth McCord. So what changed? God opened my eyes and convicted my heart. By His
(7/18) grace I finally listened to Him and looked deeper at those red flags that I didn’t bother with at the beginning. I walked away slowly at first, a little stunned and not quite sure how to shake it off. And then I started running. I am still running but now I'm trying
(8/18) frantically to get the attention of anyone still going in it's direction. I have confessed and repented of my folly and I have prayed for the Lord to give me amnesia from all the things that became ingrained into my mind from viewing the world, people around me, & myself
(9/18) through the lense of the Enneagram. Because that’s what happens when you adopt sin into your life. So here I am telling you to stay the heck away from it. Why?
As a Christian would you dabble in tarot cards, astrological signs, ouija boards and the like? I’m also gonna
(10/18) throw in yoga because I believe it to be the same issue. Did you know that the numbers and descriptions of the Enneagram were revealed to Claudio Naranjo through automatic writing? He admits this here (around 01:30). That is just one of the glaring red flags with the
(11/18) Enneagram but this one alone should be enough for any Christian to steer clear (see Lev 19:31). So why is no one sharing this information? Because it’s a cash cow for Christian publishers and those that say they aren’t in it for the money think it can be redeemed by the
(12/18) church and used as a Christian tool. The Enneagram is not derived from the Bible in any way. It is not a Christian tool. It’s roots are clearly found in the New Age and the Occult. It is demonic. It’s founders and teachers are not Christian and the Enneagram doesn’t
(13/18) belong in the church. If you haven’t looked into the big Enneagram teachers that is also a good place to start. You cannot separate the Enneagram from the New Age and the Occult.
Don’t just take my word for it. The best resource I have come across for the Christian
(14/18) defense against the Enneagram is by far Marcia Montenegro and Don Veinot’s book Richard Rohr and the Enneagram Secret. Please buy it and read it. I applaud their thorough work and the urgency they saw to address the Enneagram as they have been wearily watching it continue
(15/18) to spread in the church. I wish it had been out there earlier but I’m glad it’s out there now.
(16/18) If you like podcasts and want to dip your toes in while you wait for Prime shipping… I will link the best podcast episodes about the issue that I’ve come across here:
1) https://thecultishshow.com/.../part-1-decoding-the-enneagram
2) https://tagyoureitpod.podbean.com/.../enneagram-with-don.../
3) https://dougwils.com/.../s7-engaging.../the-enneascam.html
(17/18) 4) https://www.sheologians.com/girl-whats-your-number-the.../
If you want to talk more about this with me, please don’t hesitate!
You can follow @KahlerMorgan.
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