I reject being the father who "prepares his daughter (s) for marriage." Like wth is that even supposed to mean? Marriage is just something people do, it's neither a goal nor an achievement. If ever I end up having kids and they're girls, I'd raise them to just live their lives.
Yeah if they end up getting married, then they do it because they just feel like it. Not because it's a "goal", or an "achievement" or something they must be pressured into doing before they get to a certain age. My daughters won't need to be attached to a man to feel complete.
The world is still a very messed up and patriarchal one, full of men with toxic masculinity, rapists, rape apologists, sexual predators, religious folks, etc. I don't know if I really wanna be bringing children into this world, let alone raising a daughter who makes being a ...
... "marriage champion" her life goal. Hell NO! The day my daughter goes under a tweet where a man is talking about how women aren't submissive anymore because of feminism, to reply: "but are men even worth submitting to?" is the day I consider myself a failure of a father. Lool.
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