Here’s why I hate #dogecoin, it’s a meme that is going to inadvertently financially hurt lots of good people, and even worse, it’s mostly people that really can’t afford it.
I’ve overheard people talking about it at kids events etc, these are people who are taking their savings and risking it on a meme that’s being spun by people who should know better.
I’ve heard contractors and others talking about the cost of supplies and how they’re stocking up on supplies to protect against inflation, and they’re also using things like #Doge to hedge against the money printer going brrr.
I tell everyone, do your own research, don’t invest more than you can afford to lose, etc. But the meme culture surrounding #DogecoinToTheMoon is goading people to take their hard earned money and blindly trust something they don’t fully understand.
Few will benefit and profit greatly off of this, but many will suffer major losses that they can’t afford.
People are free to do what they want, but those that know better and are using this speculation to rob unsuspecting people of their money are no better than @wolfofwallst, if not worse, because they’re doing it partly just to humor themselves.
All roads lead back to #Bitcoin , and hopefully a lot of people catch the exit before its too late, and can protect their wealth with #BTC
If you’re thinking “Well Bitcoin is just as speculative”, it’s not, but I can’t convince you in a thread that it’s not. All I can do is just ask you to do your research, dig deep, and it will all be clear eventually.
Don’t invest more than you can afford to lose, and just put away a little bit at a time and next thing you know you’ll be amazed at how it has changed your life.
It’s not about getting rich, it about learning what is money, how valuable your time is, and how Bitcoin preserves your wealth.
Just look at @Bitcoinbeach, people aren’t using Bitcoin to “get rich”, they’re building wealth with the worlds hardest asset, saving money, improving their lives and lifting their families out of poverty.
Hopefully you don’t gamble on the #dogearmy, because it may rise even beyond where it is today, but one day the run will end and there will be no warning.
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