i rly dislike when Americans complain:
see India, see Africa, see Asia - - where material conditions are all met?
see America.. #special https://twitter.com/xychelsea/status/1391118298323030025
socialism never works, i was born in a brutally socialist country - - i’ve left as fast as i could..
yes, predatory capitalism is bad, but it is 100% better than any socialism, this is because middle earth humans are bad in all shapes and forms, capitalist or socialist;
if you think Rapinae Republicans™ like authoritarianism, watch the Social Democrats in total power aka American Socialism™

first they’ll do the kumbaya Grouping™ - Power to the People™
but then they’ll take away all your money in the name of Culture Cancellation™
then they’ll pick the Good Members™ for the government positions, federal and local, and spread the stolen wealth among them - - those who complained the most, and did the stealing;

and then they’ll screw the Little Ants™ left with nothing, to fight for rare govt jobs..
evidence: American Social Democrats when in power did nothing for the Little Ants™ - - simply because they don’t have emotional empathy, they don’t care, is why American Socialism™ will not work

btw Amazon, Dollar General et sim etc are already decayed socialist corporations;
many American corporations are already socialist, because they are run by the Social Animal™ - - you can tell by how they cater towards Wallstreet they confuse with Government and how poorly they treat the employees .. or Little Ants™
the difference between a capitalist and socialist corporation is:
the capitalist corp. rewards employees acc. to the effort, usefulness to the company;
the socialist corp. rewards workers acc. to the Degree of Approval™ within their bureaucracy or Distance to the Dear Leader™
Sameness ™ is key to Approval -- you must be equally poor, you can’t wear make up, expensive jewelry, colorful clothes, you can’t own a luxury car or go on exotic vacations - - the list just gets longer, and stricter (cancellation)

#socialism is bad
i guess i am disparaging twrds the neurotypical - - i honestly can’t stand them, they are not my kind..

this thread: social human & socialism
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