Dear 36, we had so many plans you and I. Adventures to explore, gatherings to celebrate, musical communion to absorb, a job to leave, a goal to become a full-time artist. Sadly none of these plans came to be. Instead, we grew in heart and gave. Whether support, money or time. (1)
We protested in the street, challenged company leaders to adopt bias training for managers, spoke out, spoke up. We learned lots and put in even extra effort to listen. We read more & supported diverse artists. Created less, but also finished a manuscript. (2)
We become fulfilled in other ways, grew in knowledge and gained more awareness. More work is always to be done and as we say goodbye 36, may 37 follow well in your steps as well as 35 & those before. You were unavoidable 36 and embracing you helped get us through. #randomelements
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