A thread: Many understand masking - especially community cloth masking does nothing to stop transmission of the nanometres long virons & no evidence for asymptomatic spreading exists. Should we mask out of kindness? https://twitter.com/banthebbc/status/1355809591754428418
To examine this, let’s first be clear of the massive long term damage masking does to many systems, as the April 20th massive metastudy shows. Masking is not only pointless but extremely dangerous. https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/18/8/4344/htm
But is it worth masking occasionally for brief periods even though EVERYONE can claim legal exemption due to (rational) anxiety... just to be kind to others who are fearful, albeit incorrectly, of being at risk from your unmasked face? There are 2 reasons that the answer is no.
The first, most obviously, is that the continuing normalisation of masking means everyone is damaging themselves in a cumulative and serious way ... but the 2nd reason is perhaps more important. Let’s compare the situation to 30s Germany (Oh no! Oh yes!)
Many are being abused for being unmasked. Asthmatics, autistic people, those with dementia are told NOT to mask but receive abuse. Many don’t mask through rational anxiety. Consider an analogy between these innocent people and Jews in 30s Germany...
If most people in your neighborhood are afraid of Jews because of incorrect government propaganda, should you also put a ‘No Jews’ sign in your shop window to allay the fears of those people who believe such propaganda? Is that kindness?
Or Irish, Gypsies, Muslims, Different coloured skin, or any abused minority, is it kindness to prop up the status quo by going along with it? Is masking, putting up such signs really a kindness? A new group of discriminated against people is also emerging...
Against all the facts, the unvaccinated are also wrongly been seen as dirty, irresponsible, outside the clean norm. Apartheid is spreading across the world. Israel, Canada... already in the UK. Should we just get vaccinated? Mask? Put up signs... out of kindness? Really?
But there is a third reason. What about the neighbours themselves who swallow the propaganda and fear the Jews, the Gypsies, the unmasked, the disabled, the unvaccinated? Are they served by assauging their fears, by propping up the tyranny?
And this brings us to the 4th reason. The authoritarianism that relies on compliance. Fascism, tyranny is not built on fascists, it’s built on compliance. Every unmasked face is an act of compassion and democracy. https://swprs.org/face-masks-evidence/
Do you care about your own health? Throw them away for good. Do you care about your children, your grandchildren, your neighbours, the vulnerable, the creeping scared old lady masked in the street, democracy, freedon. Throw the masks away. Permanently.
Masking is literally the face of the anti-science - built on the myth of asymptomatic transmission - that has driven the assault upon rationality, freedom, democracy, health (both mental and physical), reality for the last 14 months. I never wear one. Never will again.
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