If the American comic book industry wasn't so hell bent on allowing 2 companies putting out a single genre of comic to rule said industry to the point where JSC covers are shoved down ur throat no matter what book ur buying we would have less kids out here trying 2 "correct" him.
JSC art sells to a certain demographic. I mean the dude is an insecure prick & I absolutely think he deserves 2 get dragged 4 all the trouble he causes but the bottom line is if the industry you love would diversify (i.e. westerns, romances, fantasy etc) everyone would chill.
The problem isn't dudes drawing women without rib cages. Its the fact that they're still trying to sell us that as the primary option.

Kids are gonna take a run at you.

Deal with it.

They're growing up in a rigged system. Comics, but also the wider world.
Imagine if ribless, organless woman art was just ONE category of comic to choose from? Imagine walking unto a comic shop that carries a wide variety of comics, not just from America or Japan, but EVERYWHERE. JSC would have his space. His fans are happy. Every fan is happy!
That's the issue. Not JSC (don't mistake me. Lol fuck that dude. But bear with me) People get up in arms about superhero comic art because its what is most consistently forced upon their person. I've been in this game for years. The JSC argument is like clockwork.
He's on EVERY goddamn cover. Has been for years. To a newbie it looks like JSC is the only option. Because that is what has been sold to them. And like him or not (I repeat, fuck him. Lol) that's not his fault. And that's, I guarantee you, why he's such a neurotic old man now.
PLEASE bookmark this thread and share it when this argument comes up again next year and the year after that. I know its funny to drag him because he always reacts badly. But your ire should be for the corporate powers that own you, not the cogs in the corporate wheels.
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