Angela Rayner being sacked as party chair. Wow.
Source close to Rayner: "Keir takes full responsibility, that's what I saw on the news"
Many sources point out that the Labour left and soft left are now bound to rally around Angela Rayner in a way that definitely wasn't happening before
One source: "They have just gifted Angela the next leadership election whenever that may be. I have never witnessed an act of such self harm, this is more stupid than us trying to not adopt the IHRA definition"
Frontbench Labour MP tells me: "Wrong response. Seems like a kneejerk reaction which is the last thing we need. If less working class northern women in shaping strategy is the response to losing the votes of northern working class women then the wrong lessons are being taken."
NEC source: "Well looks like LOTO may be dicing with their NEC majority then"
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