It is generally recognized that changing the rules mid-crisis weakens and potentially invalidates all data.

This change in reporting will begin on May 14, 2021
CDC announces it will systematically stop counting asymptomatic COVID cases (potential
carriers) among the vaccinated. Or am I reading that wrong?

CDC announces it will systematically stop counting unhospitalized symptomatic cases (potential carriers) among the vaccinated.
This rule tightens the bar for counting COVID hospitalizations
and deaths among the vaccinated. seems as if a vaccinated person dies with COVID RT-PCR ct value of 35, it gets recorded as COVID death in the general database but does not get recorded as a post-vaccination breakthrough COVID death?
The other technicality is
that most places don’t offer tests with RT PCR <= 28. So most post vaccine hostpailizations and deaths might read very low in the CDC records.
There are those who would say that the net effect of this is that the official statistics will show continued outbreaks, and that it was
caused by the unvaccinated, resulting in pressure to vaccinate the remaining “40
Percent”. But are they getting the CORRECT info to make that decision?

Also: most hospitals use PCR tests in the ct value 35 to 40. So if a vaccinated patient unfortunately succumbs, and has a
positive COVID test Ct value 35, the same case is set up to get memorialized in the CDC database as a COVID death BUT not get counted as a COVID death in the vaccine breakthrough database.

The net effect could be that future outbreaks will be attributed entirely
to the remaining unvaccinated.

Formation of a non partisan CDC watchdog group

Senate hearing on the two new CDC documents, to leave a public record of why CDC thinks it’s an amazing and smart idea to reduce data! (Not counting Post vaccine asymptomatic carriers and non
hospitalized symptomatic carriers). For permanent record.
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