How Sex Workers Can Support Civilian Women:

1) Stop making content that sexualizes rape, pedophilia, incest. Misogyny, or Racism. This is normalizing and reinforcing harmful stereotypes which contribute to civilian women’s abuse.
2) Insist that your regular clients disclose to any women in their life that they use your services. The culture of silence from sex workers is unfair to other women as they are being robbed of their choice not to participate in a nonmonogamous relationship
3) Stop lobbying against legal protections for women who were involuntarily coerced into participating in sex work because you may personally lose money. Please support and prioritize the safety of women and children first over the expansion of the industry.
4) Please respect the anonymity of women who speak out against the sex industry but don’t want their identity to be publicly disclosed. Don’t put them in danger by attempting to dox or silence them, or smear their reputation as being part of a conspiracy group.
5) If you want to talk about your profession publicly, please fully disclose the hazards of the job as well as acknowledging when your privilege affords you atypical opportunities. Help civilian women considering sex work make a fully informed choice.
6) Finally, Remember that supporting women is a two-way street. The expansion of the sex industry harms many more women than it helps. So those of you who managed to build a successful platform, be sure to center marginalized women in conversations with your clients.
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